Sunday 19 May 2013

Just Watched The Social Network

Some key points that I noticed while watching this movie were:

1. The pub the movie begins in is called the Thirsty Scholar. I can't help but notice that Mark (the main character) is thirsty and a scholar. Thing is what is he thirsty for? Fame? Entrance to the Phoenix club? Erica? It's not clear yet and I think it's supposed to be unclear for him. 

2. Mark's outfit. Though his attire is a little more mature, he retains an off handed, barely considered what to wear so of look. This generates a couple of clues into his character. It makes him look innocent and represents a purity to him that could easily have been tarnished considering his actions in the movie. It also makes him look like the one who didn't change. He was the same character all the way through where the others matured, bought suits or proved themselves to be nothing more than party boys. (The same approach is taken with the twins, they are Harvard boys and that is all, their personas are built around this identity and neither they nor the director of the film wanted that to change.)

3. Exclusive is a major buzz word in this film. The desire to be set apart. The ending line is "You're not an asshole, you're just trying so hard to be." kind of sums up Mark's dilemma. He's all caught up in being accepted into these exclusive clubs and the in crowd. Thing is if he ever attained that status he would become an asshole. 

4. for Mark (being highly literal as well as almost purely logical) "Who are you?" = "What do you do?"

5. The power of a woman. It starts with Erica, it finishes with Erica. He makes reference to his loneliness in a conversation about Eduardo's girlfriend when she's going crazy. "At least you have a girlfriend." By the end of the movie Mark is sending a friends request to Erica (whose last name is Albright. Coincidence?) and waiting and refreshing the page to see if she replies. He begins everything by trying to get her out of his system and in the end she's still in his head. 

Thanks for listening to my little rant. I enjoyed this movie in all of it's complexity to such an extent that I kept notes while watching it. I also couldn't keep myself from noticing how much Mark's character made me think of Dr. Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory.

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